R&D in Deep Neural Network to improve supply chain and sales forecasting

09 Apr 2019
R&D in Deep Neural Network to improve supply chain and sales forecasting
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Velabs is currently doing R&D in Deep Neural Networks to increase efficiency of supply chain management and sales.

Area of focus is:
  1. Enhanced sales forecast with complex datasets, detailed sales history, interdependencies from other outlets and other environmental factors.
  2. Avoiding insufficient supply, reducing the number of stock shortage incidents, as well as stock surplus withdrawals.
  3. Convolution Deep Neural Networks technique to be used for:
    -Automated image segmentation & object detection.
    -Outlet monitoring & optimized product presentation.


Velabs Sdn Bhd
Level 6.06 KPMG/IBM Tower,
Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.

E-mail: info@velabs.net

Velabs Pvt Ltd
78-R Ghazali Road,
Block 2,
PECHS Karachi.

E-mail: info@velabs.net

7500A, Beach Road #05-319
The Plaza Singapore 199591.


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